UNCCD CSO panel election

Mauro Centritto, a member of DesertNet International, will be representing Western Europe in the newly elected UNCCD CSO panel.

The new members of the CSO panel that will serve until COP16 are the following:

  • Mr. Oyéoussi Charles Balogoun from Afrique Esperance (Benin) representing Africa
  • Mr. Surya Narayana Reddy from GVS (India) representing Asia
  • Ms. Ana Di Pangracio from FARN (Argentina) representing Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Mr. Jimsher Koshadze from CENN (Georgia) representing Eastern Europe
  • Mr. Mauro Centritto from  DNI (Italy) representing Western Europe

Information has just been published on the UNCCD website: https://www.unccd.int/convention/partners/civil-society-organizations/civil-society-organizations-panel

Source: https://www.unccd.int/convention/partners/civil-society-organizations/civil-society-organizations-panel